A lot of the minor tweaks to IMU Step go unnoticed. Some may just boost user security and some may just be boosting download speeds. However, there are a number that launch with a BANG. These give customers a better user experience, allow them to collect deeper (and wider) data, and revolutionize how rehabilitation is monitored and managed.
This article is dedicated to the releases that made a BANG in 2021.
Number 1 – StepSync
In October we released a secure authenticated third-party API, StepSync, that enables IMU Step metrics to be synced with any data management platform.

Since the inception of IMU Step, we have fine-tuned the visualizations of our lower limb metrics through our online Dashboard. Now, you can integrate these metrics into your own data ecosystem, giving you more power when analyzing your Step data to put you in the best possible position to make informed decisions with your athletes or patients.
StepSync will allow you to do the following, and more:
- Pull IMU Step metrics for any athlete, footnote, or session, into your AMS or EMR system.
- Customize your insights by defining your own High, Medium, and Low impact intensity thresholds in your data management platform.
- Use custom or third-party tags to pull Step metrics from a specific time period.
To find information about StepSync and how to use it within your environment, contact your IMU representative or click the links below.
“The ability to export comprehensive data from clinical platforms tremendously improves capabilities of any organizational data strategy. Data insights provided by a particular dimension of rehabilitation/performance is traditionally siloed from other insights. The ability to blend these data sets allows the organization to accelerate your data analytics strategy.”
Kevin Robel, Founder and President, Preventicx
Number 2 – Group Footnotes
As the first release of 2021, we added the ability to manage footnotes for many recordings at once via Group Footnotes.
We created a brand new screen where you can add, start, and stop a footnote on multiple recordings at the same time.
You can also end all your recordings at once if all the sensors are in range.
This iOS update will free up the amount of time you spend administering footnotes and managing sensors, allowing you to use that time more efficiently elsewhere!
To learn more about how to use Group Footnotes, check out the onboarding video below:
Number 3 – Bulk Exports
In June we announced a new export feature for the IMU Step Dashboard. This enabled you to export session summary files for multiple athletes, across any range of dates, all at one time.
Now, rather than having to navigate through the dashboard for individual export summary files, you can download as many summary files as you want in one fell swoop!
Further to this, instead of downloading two files for every session export, each session will export with step counts for every individual g bin by default. If you need the high-g intensity bins in ranges (matching the Asymmetry graph in the Dashboard) for your own data analyses, simply select the “Grouped high-g bins” option before exporting.
To give you some ideas of how to use the bulk data we’ve put together some example dashboards and tutorials in our Excel Templates for Your IMU-Step Bulk Export Data article.
2020 – A Glimpse at the past
When looking over the last two year of updates, IMU Step is a totally improved experience. Take a look at our 2020 summary to look back at what we accomplished last year. And there is still more greatness to come in 2022!